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  • This template just calls Template:Babel and passes its parameters there.
    Format: {{Babel-N|1={{user <box1>}}{{user <box2>}}{{user <box3>}}...}}}}
 | hide = 
 | #default  = 

}}[шарҳу лозим] To specify a custom header, footer, or color add the parameters header=HEADER (default: Wikipedia:Babel), footer=FOOTER (default: Search user languages), and/or color=COLOR (default: white). Adding <td> between two boxes causes a new column to be started at that point. You may also use '|align=left' to cause the box to appear on the left side of the page rather than the default right.

Example: {{Babel-N|align=left|color=yellow|1={{User en|categories=no}}{{User fr|categories=no}}{{User de|categories=no}}<td>{{User tl|categories=no}}{{User ru|categories=no}}{{User:UBX/1337|categories=no}}}} produces:

en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
[[|]]-{{{level}}} {{{info}}}
[[|]]-{{{level}}} {{{info}}}
ru Русский язык — родной этому участнику.
1337-0 Ба ин корбар кардааст нест фикри чӣ 1337 аст, ё тарҷеҳ мусоидат истифода суханони дуруст.
Search user languages