Ҳамаи саҳифаҳо бо пешванд
- t
- t+
- t-lan2
- t-lan3
- t-lang
- t-sect
- ta
- table-add
- table-bot
- table-mid
- table-top
- tag
- tcx
- te
- temp
- template other
- term
- term/Ҳуҷҷатҳо
- termcat
- tet
- tg
- tg+
- tg-adj
- tg-adj-form
- tg-basic/doc
- tg-basic/head
- tg-conj
- tg-conj-head
- tg-conj-калима
- tg-conj with Я
- tg-conjunction
- tg-infl-noun
- tg-infl-noun/doc
- tg-infl-noun/last
- tg-infl-noun/link
- tg-infl-noun/stem
- tg-interjection
- tg-pred
- tg-pred-c
- tg-predicative
- tg-pron
- tg-verb
- tg-тарҷума
- tg2
- tgPRchar
- th
- ti
- tk
- tl
- tlf
- tlx
- tmbox
- tmbox/core
- tn
- tnavbar-header
- to
- tooltip
- top
- top2
- top3
- top4
- topics
- tpi
- tr
- trad
- trans-bottom
- trans-bottom/new
- trans-mid
- trans-top
- transclude
- transcription
- transcription-ru
- transcriptions
- transcriptions-ru
- translate
- tref
- tru
- ts
- tt
- ttt
- tvl
- ty
- tyv